News and Upcoming Reviews

News: Sorry for my extended absence, I've been working on school stuff for most of my spare time. I got my review of "Padawan Lost" up and will hopefully post my review of "Wookie Hunt" tomorrow.

Upcoming Reviews: Xenocide, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Minority Report, Halo Reach

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trailer Tuesday #1

So, basically what this is is that I'm going to being sharing some videos that I found on the 'net that I thought were either cool or funny.  We'll see how well this works out.
     Okay, first trailer.  This is for an animated movie called Rango, which stars a gecko who finds himself in the middle of a town of critters that look like they came out of a speghetti western.  The jokes in the trailer fall a bit flat, but maybe I'll be able to look over it if they manage to hit the right notes with the story.  I'm digging the visual stlye though-that rattlesnake looks fierce!

Here's some leaked footage of Kid Icarus: Uprising as it's being played on the 3DS.  The video's low quality so it's hard to tell, but the game looks like it has the same graphics capabilities as the Wii, which is impressive considering that it's a handheld.  One more thing, this video was pulled from a Japenese convention, so if you're happening to take Japenese 101 or whatever, you're in luck.  Everybody else will just have to settle for watching the gameplay.

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