News and Upcoming Reviews

News: Sorry for my extended absence, I've been working on school stuff for most of my spare time. I got my review of "Padawan Lost" up and will hopefully post my review of "Wookie Hunt" tomorrow.

Upcoming Reviews: Xenocide, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Minority Report, Halo Reach

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Trailer Tuesday #2 Explosion of 3DS Info

Nintendo just released a bunch of videos and overviews of their upcoming handheld, the 3DS, which looks like it's going to be awesome, by the way.  Here's some of the most notable videos to come out.
The first one is a basic run through of the 3DS's hardware and software features, with few surprises.

Now on to the good stuff.  Here's a video showing off some of the game that will be coming out either at launch date or soon after.

And, finally, here's the trailer for the launch title that I'm most looking forward to, Super Street Fight IV 3D Edition.  The online functions look awesome, and the trophy battles look like fun.

Well, those are the highlights. Other 3DS games that I'm looking forward to are Legend of Zelda Orcarina of Time 3D and Kid Icarus: Uprising. If you want to see more follow this link to Nintendo's official 3DS page:

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