News and Upcoming Reviews

News: Sorry for my extended absence, I've been working on school stuff for most of my spare time. I got my review of "Padawan Lost" up and will hopefully post my review of "Wookie Hunt" tomorrow.

Upcoming Reviews: Xenocide, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Minority Report, Halo Reach

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Trailer Tuesday #3 Clone Wars Villains 101

As I've said in my review of "Monster," the Clone Wars series has had some great villains.  Here are my favorites.
First up is the bounty hunter Cad Bane, a cold-hearted mercenery with a distinctly Western flair.  Awesome hat, by the way.

Next up is the Seperatist Spider, Admiral Trench.  Whoever thought up of this guy deserves a cookie.

Speaking of villains right out of the days of black-and-white monster films, the Zillo Beast is up next.  Star Wars + Godzilla = a match made in heaven.

And finally, my personal favorite, the roguish space pirate Hondo Ohnaka, the only person in the galaxy who managed to capture allusive Sepratist commander Count Dooku.

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